It's been a while- sorry. Don't take my blogging absence the wrong way, for in the past few months I have been studying and practicing. In that time I came to realize how little I use to know, and how much I have yet to learn.
You may remember I started a series called "Creating A Collection", well let's just say that now I am actually currently creating a collection, but this time I'm following a real creative process not just using the fancy title.
I have sat through a good amount of lectures, podcasts, books, and taken many MANY notes. I also like to think I have improved my sketching and inspiration tactics (at least I hope I have after all I've practiced). Can't wait to share all my tips with you and hopefully give you guys a better idea of how I am creating my first collection (for real this time)! Exciting! Of course disclaimer, I am still very much a beginner, so beware that I am not perfect.
It's gonna be great! I am very excited to share my progress, along with successes AND failures, so that you can truly see the real experience.
Get ready!
Carmen (your 16-year-old "work-in-progress" fashion design teacher)
Originally published on January 5th, 2021